Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Offside Soccer Blog - Why Americans Hate Soccer

Why Do Americans Hate Soccer?

Despite being the most popular sport in the world, Americans just can't seem to truly behind soccer. It can difficult trying to be a soccer fan in the United States, especially when you're forced to endure one of Jim Rome's soccer rants or a fishing show on ESPN while you know there's world-class football happening all over the world.

That's another thing. Americans call the game soccer. The world calls it football. But we already have our own "football," which is playfully referred to as "handegg" or "throwball" in other countries. I suppose it's the "football" fans that are having the last laugh, though, with their sport being the most popular in the United States in terms of ticket sales, attendance, merchandise, and ratings. NFL has 1.8 followers on Twitter. How many people follow the MLS twitter? A measly 10,000.

Over the coming weeks we look to explore why Americans hate soccer. Stay tuned.

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